Add or Adjust Steps for a Member

If there are errors or inconsistencies in a member's step count, you can manually adjust individual dates. Entries made in this way will override whatever existing data exists for that date and will lock that date, preventing future adjustments.

Note: If a member is having difficulty with automatic syncing, please suggest that they contact so that our support team can look into their specific situation.

To add or adjust steps for a member:

  1. Open your Admin Panel.
  2. Select the Members tab.
  3. Search the username or email of the user you need to edit and click “Edit” to the right of their name.
  4. Scroll down to see "Add or Edit Steps"

  5. Enter corrected steps for any date that you wish to adjust and press the Tab key to go to the next line. The action of pressing Tab will save the entry. You can only edit entries up to 30 days past.
  6. You're done!

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