Post a Notice

Posted notices are different from communication emails in that they only show on the web browser when a member logs into their program. The notice will appear on the My Dashboard tab in a grey box at the top of the window. The notice will appear for as long as you set it to (you will be prompted to set a date range when creating the notice).

Members will see the notice when they log into the app-

Notifications are helpful to use to offer encouragement and updates to your members. You can send reminders or encourage sign up to wellness events by hyperlinking to external URLs in the notice.

To create a notice, navigate to Admin Panel > Communications > Member Notices > ‘Create New’

Enter text, a picture, or hyperlink that you would like to share with your members. You can click ‘Preview Notice’ at the bottom to double-check your message looks correct. 

Next, enter the start date and end date, when the notice will appear and disappear. Members will be able to dismiss the notice for themselves by clicking the ‘x’ button on the top right after they see it. 

You can add multiple notices at once, as well as create notices for the future.

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