Choosing Program Settings

Program Settings are the general settings for your program, and you can change these at any time.

Note: If you are running an active challenge and choose to make changes to Program Settings, your challenge will likely be affected. 

Registration Settings 

Registration ‘Open’ or ‘Closed’: If open, participants will be able to use your program URL to register and create a member account. If closed, participants will not be able to register and create an account.

Program Settings

Enforce Step Goal: If you choose to enforce a program wide step goal, all members' personal step goals will be changed to whatever step goal you set. Members will strive for this goal each day. Members will see their step goal listed on the ‘My Progress’ section on My Dashboard, as well as how many steps they've logged for the day.

Activity Settings 

To track any movement outside of walking or jogging, you must use the ‘Activity Converter’. The activity conversions are scientifically calculated and converts the amount of time you did a specific activity, providing an approximation of steps. You can make edits to this at any time, even during an active challenge.

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