Challenge Reports

Use these reports to view data collected during the challenge dates. If you view these reports before a challenge ends, it will show you data from the starting date of the challenge through the date you download the report. These reports ONLY look at data collected during the challenge dates.

Final Tally

A final tally of the challenge stats is available 48 hours after the challenge end date. This allows members to review their entries and make any edits (example: if they forgot to log a day or are experiencing any sync issues, this allows them time to communicate with our support team).

To access the challenge reports:

  1. Open your Admin panel. This defaults to the Reporting tab.
  2. Scrolling toward the bottom of the page, select Challenge Reports for the section to expand.
  3. Place your cursor in the text field to populate the dropdown menu. Select the name of the challenge from the dropdown menu.
  4. The "Challenge Details" will show you cumulative information on all users in the challenge.
  5. For a detailed excel report of all users in the challenge, click Download Complete Report (green button). This report will download as a .xsl file.

Individual challenges report

These reports contain step data for individual members participating in an individual challenge.

Team challenges report

These reports contain step data for teams participating in a team challenge.

Wellness challenges report

This report contains point data for individuals participating in a wellness challenge.

Preventative Cares challenge report

This report contains whether or not the member completed the challenge, the date they completed the challenge, as well as a Note section.

*Regarding "Percent Change" column that is included in some of these challenge reports: The percentage change metric compares the first 1/3 of a time period to the last 1/3 of the time period or challenge.

A negative number means that the individual walked that percentage FEWER steps than the first third of the challenge. A positive number means that member walked that percentage MORE steps in the latter third. Example: If they walked 100 steps in the first third, and 68 in the latter third, then the system records a decline of 32% ((68 - 100) / 100) * 100 = -32% Whereas if you walked 68 steps in the first third and 100 in the last third, you would have improved by 32%

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