Late Registration for Programs and Challenges

Members can only track step data as far back as their registration date. If they register after the start of a challenge, they will need to have their registration date moved back to sync or enter step data for that range.

To change the registration date of a member:

  1. Open your Admin panel
  2. Select Members
  3. Search for the member by email or username.
  4. Select Edit
  5. Select change Registration date
  6. Enter the registration date as far back as you need to and select Save

If a member is already registered in the program but joins a challenge after the registration date, the challenge will pull the steps for its entire date range from their account. This means that all of their steps for the date range of the challenge will be included, even though they joined late. For example, if the challenge start date is March 1 and the member joins the challenge March 8, the challenge will still count that member's steps starting March 1.

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