Activity Converter

The Activity Converter gives members the freedom to choose how they wish to move by converting various physical activities into equivalent steps.  We based this converter off of a Purdue University study which used different physical metrics to measure various physical activities to approximate their equivalent exercise value in steps. 

You can turn on or off the activity converter feature in the Admin Panel > Settings > Activity Settings section. You can also choose which activities are available to your members to convert in your program. To do this select View Activities.

You can select to include all activities or select specific ones. We strongly recommend making the designated ADA compliant conversions available as they provide a range of options which will make a program accessible to individuals across most ability levels so that members with disabilities can still participate in a walking and activity challenge. You can consider turning on the "Walking" activity if you have members who do not have a smartphone or other step-tracking device. 

You can make changes to activity options at any time. Remember to click "SAVE" when you have completed your updates!

Here is the chart of conversion options

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