Creating a Custom Map

If you want a map route and milestones that are unique and special to your program, consider a Custom Map. You can select what destinations, content, and photos or videos you want to be shown on the map! 

Custom Maps can include up to 10 milestone locations. 

Maps take two weeks to create from the date of submission.

Watch this video to understand how custom maps work.


We scale all map distances to fit the time frame and daily step goal chosen for a challenge. Challenges are usually not the actual distance. Members could complete a map route that crosses entire countries or even the world by just reaching the challenge step goal!

Example: A challenge duration of 42 days with a daily step goal of 6,000 steps per day would equal a challenge goal of 252,000 steps to complete the challenge. 


Map milestones are destinations on a map that contain information about a place and usually include either a picture, video, or sometimes a link. Members will receive an email when they pass a milestone on the map and will be able to see the milestone listed on the challenge map.

Pro tip: The best maps have an even distribution of pins and avoid long stretches with no pins.



A map is a series of locations connected by a path. The most successful maps are also connected by a theme. A theme gives a sense that your current, previous, and future milestones are building to something. 

Themes encourage activity, provide structure to discussions, and keep people interested in future milestones. A theme also gives you a basis for writing content and creating collateral.

Pro tip: Include a Call to Action! 

We’ve seen maps that include recipes, discussion questions, or even requests for feedback. Additions like this further drive engagement while you have your member’s attention and help your pins feel more like rewards.

Example: Tour office locations with employee shoutouts or company facts. Tie in content to fundraising efforts. Connect with current events like the Olympic Games. 


Maps take two weeks to create.

Order a Custom Map


1. Email and let us know that you'd like to create a custom map. We'll send you a form to fill out with all of your content.

  1. Submit your completed form to and we'll confirm receipt of your form.

2. Once your map is complete, you'll get a confirmation from that your map has been uploaded into your challenge builder and is ready for you to create your challenge.

Promote Your Challenge

Here are sample posters you are welcome to use to promote your challenge: 

Click to Download

Click to Download

Click to Download

If you are interested in having one created for your program, contact us at!

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