Set Registration Questions

You can create questions that will appear to users during registration. These are a useful way to gather information on who is participating, figure out what goals people have, or to get information on physical incentives like t-shirt sizes.

This guide explains the process for setting registration questions and the options which are available.

Enabling Registration Questions

To set active Registration Questions:

  1. Navigate to your Admin Panel.
  2. Select Communications.
  3. Select Questions.
  4. Select the "Question Library" tab if you'd like to use pre-created questions.
    1. Select Enable if there are any that you want to use from this library.
    2. This will then bring up another pop-up window that will allow you to set the specifics of the question. Select "Required" if you'd like this question to be required.
  5. You can also create custom questions by selecting "Create a New Question"
  6. Select "Save" when finished.

Deactivating Registration Questions

To deactivate Registration Questions:

  1. Navigate to your Admin Panel.
  2. Select the Communications tab.
  3. Select Questions.
  4. Select either "Edit" to edit the question's settings, or select Delete to permanently delete it.

**Download the Questions report to gather your member's responses BEFORE deleting or editing a question**

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