Team Management Tools for Admins

You can edit team rosters, as well as team settings via the Admin Panel and then select the Teams tab.

Via the Teams tab you'll control all aspects of Teams in your program. You can select whether or not Teams are turned on, how many max members are on each team, who is able to create teams, and create and edit the teams in this tab.

Members can only be on 1 team at a time.

If you set to allow team members to join a team at registration, they will be prompted to either create a new team or join an existing one while creating an account. If you choose for this not to be optional, they will not be able to finish registration without choosing a team.

Creating Teams

To create 1 team, select to Create a Team. If you create a team, you'll be automatically added to it.

To create multiple teams, select Create Multiple Teams. Enter a list of names, separated by line breaks, and click "Generate Teams". Then, click "Save Teams" to finish creation and select to go Back to Team Center.

Adding Members

You can add members to teams in bulk or individually.

To add all members not yet in teams to a team, select Automatically Add All Unassigned Members to a Team. This will add as many members as possible to teams, until all teams are at maximum capacity.

Select "Assign Selected Users to a Team." In the pop-up, search for the name of the team, and select Assign Users to a Team.

Edit a Team and Remove Members

You can edit the members on existing teams, as well as remove them from that team. Scroll to Existing Teams and select Edit.

From here you can edit team settings, view all members on a team, assign a team leader, as well as remove a member from the team. 

Delete a Team

To delete a team, navigate to the Existing Teams section (Admin Panel > Teams), and select Delete all Teams to delete ALL teams.

To delete specific teams, search for the team you wish to delete and then select Delete.

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