Program Success


How many members are registered in your program? Download the Member Stats report

How many total steps has everyone made in your program? Check the Challenge reports during challenges and the Sitewide page. 

Your Program Stats also the percentage of members who visited the site within the week and how many members have a device or app connected. 

Improvement/Behavior Change

How many members are improving their step counts? 

Download the Stats - Challenge and Member Stats Reports show a metric called "Percentage Change," which compares the first 1/3 to last 1/3 of the selected time period. A value of zero indicates no change. A positive value indicates that the average of step counts increased during the time period. A N/A value means that the member has no entries for the last 1/3 of the selected time period. Ex. Percentage change = 32% means step counts increase by 32% during the time period. 

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