Tips to Increase Engagement

Challenge Engagement Tips 

  • Use side achievements to challenge members on a weekly basis.
  • Send members a push notification (Notice feature) with informative and encouraging messaging.
  • Start the conversation on challenge discussion boards. Ask questions based on the map theme. You can post pictures too!

Program Engagement Tips 

  • Communicate To Encourage: It really helps to have communication that encourages members of all physical activity levels. Starting a fitness routine can seem daunting. Highlight the main goal of your challenge: to get everyone moving more. For many members, success is starting to track their steps and become more aware of their activity level. 
  • Get feedback from existing members (send a survey): What do they want to see in a challenge?
  • Testimonials - Showcase personal success by inviting leadership and members to help you promote your challenge with testimonials that you can share in your communications. 
  • Group goal challenges - work together as an organization to reach a step goal or compare progress between organizations.
  • Start a referral program - incentivize members to invite other members to join your wellness program.
  • Use a Challenge as the basis for fundraising.
    • Examples: 
      • A fundraiser for a local veterinary society using the Bobby the Wonder Dog map challenge.
      • A team challenge with every team representing a different organization the members support. The winning team gets to donate money to that organization at the end of the challenge. 
  • Tie your challenge to a real-world event
    • Example: Run one of our sports-related map challenges during a famous sports event, such as the Olympics or World Cup. 

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