Post a Question

You can use the Admin Panel to post questions to members in your program at any time, or specifically during registration.

Note: Well Plus and Well Pro programs are able to reward members with points for answering these questions. You can download a report to see these points by using a Questions Report.

To access Questions, navigate to Admin Panel > Communications > Scroll down to Questions.

In your questions view, you can view ‘Active’ questions and a ‘Question Library’, which includes pre-made questions we've prepared to cover various topics and scenarios.

For the ‘Active’ questions category, you can toggle them as ‘Required’, to ‘Edit’, or to ‘Delete’ from the main screen. Select "Create a New Question" to add a new question to your program.

You can re-order the questions by using the arrows to the left of the questions:

Create or Edit a Question

When creating or editing a question, you'll need to select the parameters and create the available answers.

‘Question Type’ will determine which answers are available. For a ‘Text Field’ question, there will be no options here.

‘Question Text’ is the heading and primary text of the question.

‘Description / Text’ is an optional field allowing for you to offer an explanation of the question, which will show below the question when it is directly accessed.

‘Answer Options’ determines the options or range of options that will be available for the question, depending on the question type. To add answers, start a new line and add ## before the answer.

You can set a date range for the question to be active – you can also choose to leave the end date blank to leave the question open indefinitely. You can set a question as ‘Required’, meaning users can't proceed without answering it. You can set a question to ‘Show at registration?’, meaning that users will answer it as part of their account creation process.

If you have a Well Plus or Well Pro program, you can select ‘Earn challenge points for answering the question’, allowing members to accumulate points once they answer the question. You'll first add a point amount and then you have the option to select ‘Only earn challenge points if the correct answer is provided’.

Please note that these points are NOT added to a challenge. You can reference the Questions report to see how many points a user received. These points will not be included in challenge reporting or challenge totals.

Note: Once a user answers a question, that answer is saved and cannot be changed. If you need to change that answer, such as in the case of someone changing department or entering a shirt size incorrectly, you will need to make those changes in your own records.

Question Library

We have a library of pre-made questions you can use in your program. These are already formatted and cover a variety of situations that are applicable to most programs.

You can access the Question Library by navigating to your Admin Panel > Communications > Scroll to Questions and click ‘Question Library’. Once you find a question you want to push out to members, click ‘Enable’ next to the question to activate it.

Note: You cannot edit these, so if you want to customize them you should create a new question using the saved question as a basis.

Question Tips

Post questions during an active challenge and make them relevant to the theme of the challenge. These can be educational or provoke deeper thought for the member.

An example would be to create a custom wellness challenge around volunteering. The member can receive points for attending a volunteer event, and you can also post questions before and after the event, asking the member to reflect on the experience and how it made them feel.

Post a registration question to get information from your members, such as what would motivate them to participate or what type of incentive they want.

Use the questions as a scavenger hunt to boost engagement! As they learn about a wellness topic, ask members questions about the topic to see if they can find the correct answer.

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