Create a Challenge

Challenges provide members with a long-term goal and a pacer bunny visual (who stays on pace with the challenge goal) to help keep them on track towards that goal. You can follow this guide to create a challenge and invite members. Click here to learn about the types of available challenges.  

Create the Challenge

1.    Open your Admin Panel.

2.    Select the Challenges Tab and click ‘Create A Challenge’.

3.    Review the available challenges listed.

4.    Select ‘Details’ to access the challenge's themed Email Templates and Poster. From here you will also be able to access the ‘View Milestones’ section to preview the milestones included in movement challenges.

5.    Once you've decided on a challenge, click the challenge tile (challenge image), and it will automatically scroll to the bottom of the Challenge Builder page where you'll select ‘Next’.

6.    Select or enter the desired challenge criteria. We recommend running your challenge for 3-6 weeks and setting a step goal of 5,000 - 8,000 steps/day, depending on your group. If you're unsure, default to a lower step goal and then you can adjust the goal for future challenges depending on how members did.

7.    If your wellness program is connected to Terryberry's Be Rewarded platform, then you'll see the option to attach incentive points to this challenge. Make your desired selection and enter the point amount.

8.    Select Next

  1. Invite Members

In Step 3 of the Challenge Builder, you can select to either ‘Add Members’, ‘Invite Members’, or ‘No, Skip this Step’.

    1. ‘Add Members’ will automatically add either all members or the selected members to the challenge once you complete the challenge builder process
    2. ‘Invite Members’ will send an email invite to all members or the selected members. To be added to a challenge, members will need to open that email and click the included link
    3.  ‘No, Skip this Step’ will not add or invite any members. Members will be able to join the challenge after it is created
  1. Once you've made your selection, click ‘Next’
  2. Review all information on the challenge and then click ‘Submit’

Custom Wellness Challenges

If you have a Well Plus or Pro subscription, you have the option to create your own wellness challenge.

  1. Open your Admin Panel
  2. Select the Challenges tab
  3. Select Create a Challenge Template
  4. Add a title, and a picture and/or description
  5. Select the metrics that you'd like to be tracked in this challenge
  6. Select Save
  7. Go back to the Challenges tab
  8. Select Create a Challenge
  9. Search for your Custom Wellness Challenge
  10. Select your challenge
  11. Enter the Challenge Settings and the Points Goal Per Day
  12. Select Next
  13. Decide if you want members to be invited, added, or if you'd prefer to Skip to the next step
  14. Review the information and select Submit once ready

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