Challenge FAQs

Do I have to create a challenge before people register?

You do not have to create a challenge before members register, however, we highly recommend that you do.

After you create a challenge, download the themed challenge poster and email templates via Admin Panel > Challenges > use the download arrow next to the challenge name as pictured.

Having these materials and using them to encourage registration and participation helps a lot! Also, having a challenge ready on your site adds an element of excitement and anticipation to your program that otherwise would not be there.

How long should a challenge be? 

A challenge that is 3-6 weeks long is recommended, followed by a period of rest before ramping up for a new challenge.

What is the recommended daily step goal for a challenge?

We get asked this often and the answer is very dependent upon your overall population's activity level. Take a step back and assess your estimated population's mean activity level and then go from there. 

  • Sedentary/just getting started groups: 4,000 - 5,000 steps/day
  • Moderate: 6,000- 7,500 steps/day
  • Active: 8,000 - 10,000+ steps/day

Note: if you have an annual plan, you can start low, see how members do, and adjust accordingly for your next challenge! 

How do members join a challenge?

Individual Challenge

If you have set up an individual-based challenge prior to members registering, they will automatically be added to that challenge after completing registration.

Team Challenge

Team challenges are different depending on how you choose to have teams assembled. For further guidance checkout this FAQ article on team challenges. 

If you have existing members or teams in the program, they can either be invited to join a challenge (they voluntarily join) or you can auto-add them during step 3 of the Challenge Builder. All members have the ability to forfeit a challenge.

Featured Challenge

All challenges are created by default as Featured:

If a challenge is set as Featured, it means that new members will be automatically added to the challenge upon registering in your program, and that members will receive the milestone emails (in a movement challenge) as they progress through the challenge.

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