Create a Wellness Challenge

Admins with Well-Plus or Well-Pro subscriptions can create a wellness challenge. Members cannot create their own wellness challenges.

Create a Wellness Challenge

  1. Navigate to your Admin Panel
  2. Open the Challenges tab
  3. Click ‘Create a Challenge’ to open the challenge builder.
  4. Select a wellness challenge.

    Note: Click on ‘Details’ below a challenge to see a breakdown of the challenge, including a list of tracked metrics and a points breakdown.

  5. Fill out details for the challenge:

    Name: The challenge will default to the name of the challenge type, but you can edit it if you prefer.

    Start Date: The challenge is automatically set for 42 days from the start date you select. You can't edit this. We have found the 6 six weeks is an ideal time frame to begin to recognize behaviors, how they interact with one another, and begin to make small, incremental changes to those behaviors.

    Reflection: This is optional. If you don't want this included in your challenge, deselect this option. If you choose to include this in your challenge, members can earn 1 point per day for adding a journal entry and 3 points per day for sharing a photo.  These encourage social engagement but aren’t directly related to wellness. This will add 48 points to the challenge goal.

    Questions: Select whether members will periodically be prompted to answer wellness questions that encourage education and awareness of wellness topics.  These questions will be posted along with a reading excerpt and members will only receive the points if they answer the question correctly. This will add 60 points to the challenge goal and members . Click here for more information on Wellness Questions.

  6. Add or invite members, or skip for later. Click Next to continue.
  7. Click ‘Submit’ to create the challenge.

Editing Wellness Challenges

Admins can edit details of a wellness challenge in the Challenge tab of the Admin Panel by selecting the Settings (gear) icon next to the challenge's name. The details that they can edit will depend on whether the challenge is active or pending.

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